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Wayne and Dianne Simister
Click Here for Utah Information
Wayne's Hobbies
Electronics, Computers, Music Composition, Photography
FREE MP3 music downloads
-- Wayne's compositions at http://wsimister.weebly.com.
Utah Information and News
-- Facts you should know about Utah
Download these short children's stories
-- (FREE MP3 downloads) Short, approximatedly 10 minute, Grandpa Stories told to our young grand children.
Photographs to download
-- Utah sunsets, mountains, other.
Download free Savings Calculator
-- How to make a MILLION!
The One Button Home
-- Wayne's latest invention -- learn more (with downloadable schematics, instructions and Atmel AVR code!).
Serious Study On Mormonism. Here are some facts you should know before becoming a member of the LDS Church.
- Is or is not Mormonism, the LDS, Mormon Religion a cult?
- Should you become a member? Here are the facts.
- Can you afford to become a Mormon? Tithing, 10% of your gross income, is mandatory, not necessarily voluntary. Here is the tithing calculator to estimate the costs of joining Mormonism.
- The Mormon Church says, "Tithing is a commandment; you are admonished to continue to pay a full tithe regardless of your circumstances. "
- Tithing funds shrink -- and other information about the LDS, Mormon Church "Corporation of the President."
- How do the costs of joining the Mormon Church compare to joining the Catholic Church?
- Many are disillusioned after joining Mormonism. Groups are formed to help one ease out of the religion.
- It's easy to become a Mormon .... not so easy to remove your name. Facts on resigning from the LDS, Mormon religion. An example letter of resignation is included.
- Just exactly who was Joseph Smith, the founder of the LDS religion? An interview with a man close to Joseph Smith.
- Some genetic diseases are prevalent in Utah, probably due to the Mormon practice of polygamy.
- The facts must come out... We are not dealing with a timid organization (The LDS Church)
- What informed LDS Mormons report about their religion.
- More facts about the Mormon, LDS, religion
- "Mormon Hymn: Oh Please Go Away," an MP3 satirical composition made in response to my feelings living as a Mormon.
Our Family
- Jeffrey Simister, son, -- computer engineer at Activant Corporation, photographer, and instructs many in identifying, understanding, sharing their importance to society, and collecting minerals.
- Judy Lamb -- FREE knitting patterns home page. Judy, reveals her creative, imaginative, and innovative knitting designs for all. Judy publishes knitting patterns for Leisure Arts and writes children's stories.
- James Simister, son, Senior Software Engineer at Panasonic, photographer, music composer, and computer expert. James manages http://www.simister.net/ from his home.
- Brian Lamb's which includes a very good knitting program.
- Roger Simister, videographer, retired electrical engineer, -- my brother's home page.
- Our home page at http://www.waynesimister.mysite.com
- Family Genealogy, Stories, Tree, Photos, -- back to the 1700s
- The One Button Home. ... just the ticket for the new home. Contol any light in the home from any touch plate in the home.
- Electronics Page -- Touch plate switches, burglar alarms, LED flashlight, Child's Traffic Light, and more
- Family information
- Utah's First Automobile - Yep, Dianne's Great Grandfather built the first horseless carriage in Utah.
Other Things to Check Out
Modified September 29, 2011